Menopause chats with amazing women

Conversations with other amazing women in the wellness community

Learn more about how focusing on health can help you reach your goals

Menopause hints and tips

  • Talking with Gary, my friend and fellow Expat, about building resilience into every day life

    Listen Here:

  • Talking with my former coach and dear friend about why those New Year resolutions don't work and what you can do to make your healthy journey more fulfilling.

    Listen HERE

  • Excited to be included in this series and to talk about all things "menopause mind" which can include cotton wool brain/brain fog, losing words, forgetfulness and depression,

    Listen HERE

  • Talking with Ashley about the importance of lifestyle changes in midlife.

    If you're ready to get serious about your own health, put your big girl pants on and learn about the 5 Pillars of Menopausal Health, you are in the right place! It's time mama to prioritize your health and honor your body. SHE is worth it!

    Listen HERE

    Contact Ashley repsandredemption@gmail.com